To do things right, first you need love, then, technique. -Antoni Gaudi

Lu Pan/潘路




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My name is Lu Pan [潘路:潘(PAN)is my surname, and 路 (LU) literally means the road in Chinese]. I am a planetary scientist interested in the geologic and climatic evolution of planets. I was born in the city of Wuhan, China.

My primary interest is to use remote sensing datasets to understand the chemical and physical processes that shape the surfaces of planetary bodies, and the resulting planetary evolution through time. In particular, I aim at combining the mineralogic and morphologic information to improve our view of the interior as well as the surface environments of our red planet -Mars. In addition, I am trying to improve the techniques to document and resolve geological processes using remote sensing, in particular, through spectroscopy. To disentangle how light interacts with solid materials in the solar system and beyond, we may have a better chance to illuminate the paths during the search for habitable environments elsewhere.

I have been involved in the Mars InSight lander and Mars Science Laboratory missions as an external science collaborator on the mission. I also participated in the landing site selection and characterization of Perserverance rover Mars 2020 and the Rosalind Franklin rover in the ExoMars mission.

When I'm not looking at images of planets, I enjoy playing volleyball 🏐 and hiking ⛰. I'm also a big fan of coffee ☕☕☕ and tropical fruits 🍍🍍🍍.


Education experience

Work experience

Please see here for a full CV.








Before 2017

Recent conference abstracts



Lu Pan, Postdoc researcher @ University of Copenhagen Centre for Star and Planet Formation
Øster Voldgade 5-7
1350 København K


Useful links

Updated 03/28/2022